

2017-06-07 CRDRI 南书房










在这种宏观背景下,重大决策需要整合、统筹国内外的智力资源,加强国际问题的研究、国内政策与制度的研究、设计,促进科技创新,为国家的安全、健康、持续发展提供智力支持,降低发展中的国际、国内风险。 同时,快速发展的智库机构也使得对其的研究愈加重要。仅举一例,根据宾夕法尼亚大学麦甘教授《2011年全球智库排名报告》,过去20年,全球智库产业蓬勃发展,以G20国家的智库发展为例,2011年G20国家的智库总数达到4069个,占到全球智库总数的62%。该报告中的智库还仅局限于从事公共政策研究的组织,尚不包括管理咨询公司等其他智库行业内的组织,如果包括后者数量之众多可想而知。在2008—2011年间,金砖国家的智库数量增长令人瞩目,中国、俄罗斯、印度、巴西、南非五国的智库总数,从2008年的419个增加到985个,其中,中国和印度是目前G20国家中拥有智库总数第二和第三的国家。




研究课题能够与时代和国家紧密结合,是研究人员的幸运。对于身处智库快速发展中的中国,希望本报告能够有所贡献。 任玉岭 2012年11月北京

前言 提起智库,人们可能马上会想到美国、欧洲的著名智库。的确,“智库”是极富西方文化特色的词汇。但“智库”这个概念萌芽于古代的中国。中国古代的“谋臣”、“养士”制度孕育了中国智库最早的存在形态。《孙子兵法》与《三十六计》是现存中国和世界军事理论史上最早形成战略体系的专著,为世界智库理论体系的建构与当代智库发展以及今后中国智库产业的研究奠定了基础。改革开放后,中国各类型智库机构逐渐快速发展。短短30年间,中国的智库机构从最初的官方智库发展到如今官方与民间智库并存的局面,并对于政治、经济、社会和文化等诸多方面都产生了积极的影响。在世界范围内,学者在智库研究中也提高了对中国智库的重视程度,这显示了中国智库在世界范围内的影响力。 提到以上对智库领域的研究,首先要提到2011年出版的《中国智库发展报告(2011年)》。这本专题研究报告由东中西部区域发展和改革研究院编辑,是国内第一本以年度报告的形式出版的智库研究专著。 但短短一年时间,中国的智库研究领域发生着不容忽视的重大变化。大量学者开始发表以智库为核心内容的论述,“智库现象”、“智库产业”、“智库产业示范区”等词汇开始频繁见诸报端。不能不说,本来只有在部分学者词汇中才会出现的字眼,正在广泛地被官员、商人,乃至普通大众所迅速熟知。这与2008年以来全球和中国的社会经济环境的变化息息相关。2008年爆发的全球性金融经济危机,给发达国家和新兴经济体都带来了惨痛的教训,新兴国家需要积极面对不断变化的全球环境以及各种全球性威胁与挑战,寻求“后危机时代”解决全球性经济问题的新治理机制,增加新兴经济体和发展中国家的话语权,逐渐成为一种全球共识。在这种复杂多变的经济政治形势下,仅仅靠经验,靠少数人的智慧是很难作出正确决策的,这就需要不同的声音和更多的智慧,在广泛听取各方面意见的基础上,研究和解决纷繁复杂的社会经济问题,加强决策的科学化、民主化,提升新兴经济体在全球经济治理机制中的话语权。在这一过程中,智库发挥着极其重要的作用。 在这种智库发展日益重要的背景下,这册《中国智库发展报告(2012年)》最终展现在了读者面前。 对比《中国智库发展报告(2011年)》的主要内容仍是对智库的基本定义和发展现状进行常识性介绍,这册2012年新报告则更加深入,是对智库研究领域的最新重大研究成果的综述。这册报告的主要成果体现在两方面: 首先,对智库产业进行明确定义。这是智库产业作为一种国家政策和战略的研究成果在国内乃至世界首次明确提出。 智库产业是对科学发展观理论的多维思考与综合延伸,是中国学术界在科学发展观指导下,理论与实践相结合,进行多学科融合、自主创新的科研成果。本报告奠定了智库产业研究和发展的体系基础与理论基础。在本报告中,研究团队对智库产业进行了以下定义:指整合高端人才的智力资源,针对公共政策、商业运营等问题,进行系统的探索、研究、创新,提出解决方案,带动一产、促进二产、提升三产的产业形态。具体来说,智库产业的理论定义应该从公共政策、区域经济、产业经济、管理学等不同角度,借鉴相关学科成果,拓展研究的深度和广度。 智库产业的内涵是政策咨询、创意策划、技术服务、专业支持等,以知识创新为核心的现代高端三产服务业。智库产业的外延体现为各类智力成果的产业化应用,包括第一产业中以品牌建设、绿色生态、高质量、高价值为特征的现代高端示范农业,第二产业中以集约、集聚、循环发展为特征的高技术制造业和战略性新兴产业等。 智库产业的发展具有多重重要意义,主要包括:解决国家战略的落实问题、区域决策能力问题、区域人才短缺问题、区域产业升级转型、技术和制度后发优势、区域间竞争问题、事业单位改制等问题。 其次,本报告基本构建了智库产业的研究体系。 思想是行动的先导,解放思想始终是推动中国特色社会主义事业发展的思想武器。改革需要新思维、新理论,需要各方人士、各类智库机构献计献策。为此,我国应该加快建立思想市场,发展智库产业。智库产业是对科学发展观理论的多维思考与综合延伸,是中国学术界在科学发展观指导下,理论与实践相结合,进行多学科融合、自主创新的科研成果。本报告从以下四个方面构建了智库产业研究的体系: 第一,该成果明确了智库产业的理论来源。系统梳理了从智库研究,到智库产业的研究,到智库产业区的建设等一系列重要问题,理清了智库产业的理论来源,并对智库产业研究链条上的一系列重要内容进行了重要探索。 第二,该成果初步构建了智库产业研究的理论体系。以科学发展观为指导,融合多学科的科研成果,从两方面构建智库产业研究的体系,即“智库产业是什么”,“如何发展智库产业”两大基本问题。以智库产业为主题的任何研究,都是对这两个问题的不断深化,因此,这两个方面是智库产业研究体系的两大基石。 第三,对智库产业研究主要解决的问题进行了界定。智库产业的研究着眼于解决多项问题,但最为关键的是提升地区科学决策的能力。以此为核心,其他问题包括国家战略的落实问题、区域决策能力问题、区域人才短缺问题、区域产业升级转型、技术和制度后发优势、区域间竞争问题、事业单位改制等问题。 第四,基本规范了智库产业研究的范式。智库产业是一个跨学科的领域,需要融合发展经济学、区域经济学、公共政策研究、管理学、政治学、社会学等诸多学科的成果。以上学科都会从自身学科的角度对智库产业的发展提供知识输入,但智库产业将会进行融合,并进行提升,最终形成符合国家战略,并切合地区发展实际的成果。 具体来说,本报告的谋篇布局分为两大部分,第一部分,包括第一章智库研究前沿,以及第二章中国智库发展最近两年来的大事追踪,是承接《中国智库发展报告(2011)》进行的研究深化。第二大部分,是智库产业研究专题,是本报告的核心内容,同时也是智库研究领域内最新的重大创新。 第三章论述了智库产业的定义。所谓“名不正,则言不顺”,通过不断与学者、官员和企业家们进行探索,最终对智库产业的定义进行了明晰。智库产业同样具有一般产业的产业链、价值链等特征,并且具有自身不断演化的规律,需要一定政策环境的支撑。这是智库产业研究的起点,也是基础所在。 第四章论述了智库产业区的概念,即智库产业在空间上实地落地的体现。本书是国内首次对智库产业区进行系统论述。本报告认为,智库产业区是承载智库产业和创新型知识经济的重要载体,旨在提出并构建中国特色智库和智库群以及智库产业业态,作为智库产业的孵化器以及统筹区域科学发展的实验区,以地域特有优势,提升并发展相应的支柱产业。所以,智库产业区是经济发展方式转型的重要战略选择,对当前中国的区域经济发展具有重要意义。 第五章着眼于一个成功运作的智库产业区所需要的系统支撑。首先,所需要的资源包括各类自然资源、人力资源、历史资源、政策资源等,更为关键的是智库产业区的各类主体(包括政产学研各方面)必须建立良好的互动机制,从而建立政产学研一体化的模式。这将对智库产业园区的实际运作产生直接的指导。 第六章强调了智库产业区的评价体系和运作机制评估方法。这是从实践和操作的角度出发,解决了未来如何判断一个智库产业园区是否健康发展的问题。只有这样,才可以对园区的发展进行监控和管理,“把脉”智库产业区。 第七章作为最后的总结,从一个更高的智库产业研究的角度出发,提出了如何才能构建智库产业研究的体系。这对于吸引其他学者参与到智库课题的研究中,搭建统一的话语体系,具有重要而前瞻性的意义。 本报告是智库研究领域内较早进行探索的成果。相比整个智库研究的大厦来说,本报告也不过是地基类的工作。希望更多有创新精神、深厚的理论功底以及深入参与基层实践的学者共同参与,搭建起智库课题研究的大厦!Preface Referring to the think tank,people will think of some famous think tanks of America or Europe immediatelyAnd it is true that the word of the“think-tank” is full of western cultural featuresBut the concept of the“think-tank”originates from the ancient ChinaThe system of the“advisers”and the“talents cultivation”in ancient China breeds of the earliest existence form of the China think tankThe Art of War by Sun Tzu and the Thirty-Six Strategies are the monographs which form the earliest strategic system in the existing military theory history of China and the world,which lay the foundation for the construction of the world think-tank theory system and the development of the modern think-tank and the researches on the future China think-tank industryIn just 30 years,the think-tank organizations of China develop from the original official think tanks to the current coexistence of the official and the private think tanks,which have a positive impact on the aspects of politics,economics,society and culture,etcAnd in the worldwide,the scholars pay more attentions to the China think-tank in the research of the think tank,which demonstrates the influence of the China think-tank over the world Referring to the researches mentioned above in the field of the think tank,what we should first talk about is the CHINA THINK TANK DEVELOPMENT REPORT(2011)This report was edited by the Institute of Eastern,Central and Western Regional Development and Reform,and which is the first think-tank monograph published in the form of annual report In just one year,the field of the China think-tank research has big changes that should not be ignoredThe massive scholars begin to publish the discourses which focus on the think-tank,the words of“think-tank phenomenon”,“think-tank industry”and“think-tank industry demonstration zone”,etcbegin to being in the headlines frequentlyWe find that the words just parts of scholars using of have been known quickly and widely by the officials,merchants,and even the general publicAnd which has been connected tightly with the changes happened in the global and China social and economic environment since 2008The developed countries and emerging economies have learned the painful lessons from the global financial and economic crisis of 2008And from where the emerging countries learn that what they need to do is to confront the changes of the global environment and all kinds of global threats and challenges actively,search for the new management mechanism which could solve the global economics problems in the post-crisis era,amplify the voices of the emerging economies and the developing countries,and all of what mentioned above have been the common view of the worldIn such complex and changeable situation which refer to economic and politics,it is difficult to make right decisions only depending on the experience and few peoples wisdom,so the right way is to have different voices and more wisdomAnd on the basis of hearing the views of all sides,we should research on and solve the complex social and economic problems,make the decision-making more scientific and democratic,and amplify the voices of the emerging economies in the global economic management mechanismAnd the think-tank plays an important role in this course In this context that the think-tank becomes more and more important,the CHINA THINK TANK DEVELOPMENT REPORT(2012)appears in front of the readers finally Compared with the CHINA THINK TANK DEVELOPMENT REPORT(2011),the main content of which is focusing on the common-sense introduction of the think-tanks basic definition and development situation,this new report(2012)is deeper,which is the review of latest major research achievements in the field of the think-tankAnd the main achievements of this report are reflected in the following two aspects: Firstly,it makes clear definition of the think-tank industryAnd as a kind of research achievement of the countrys policy and strategy,the think tank industry first has its clear definition in China and even in the world The think-tank industry is the multi-dimensional thinking and comprehensive extension of the theory of scientific outlook of development,and is the research achievement made by the Chinese academiaUnder the guide of the scientific outlook of development,the Chinese academia do a lot of things for the think tank industry like the integration of theory and practice,the multi-disciplinary integration,and independent innovation,etcThis report lays the system and theory foundation for the think-tank industrys research and developmentIn this report,the research group has a definition of the think-tank industry as follows: it is the integration of the top talents’ wisdom resource,a systematic exploration,research,innovation and relative solutions on the problems of the public policy,commercial operation and so onIt is a kind of industrial form which could drive the development of the first industry,promote the development of the secondary industry,and enhance the development of the third industryTo be concrete,the theory definition of the think-tank industry should take the relative subjects’ achievements as lessons,and extend the depth and width of the research from different angles like public policy,regional economy,industrial economy and management,etc The contents of the think-tank industry are the policy advice,creative planning,technology service and professional support,etc,and the modern high-end service industry focusing on the knowledge innovationThe extension of the think-tank industry is the industrial application of all kinds of wisdom achievements,including of the modern high-end demonstration agriculture with the characteristic of brand building,green ecology,high quality,high value which is included in the first industry,the hi-tech industry and strategic emerging industry and so on with the characteristic of the intensive,converging,and cyclical development which are included in the secondary industry The development of the think-tank industry has multiple important meanings,mainly consists of solving the problem of carrying out the country strategy,the decision-making ability of the regions,the shortage of the talents in regions,the upgrade and transition of the regional industry,the backward advantage of the technology and system,the competition among regions,and the institutions reform,etc Secondly,this report builds mainly the research system of the think-tank industry Thinking is the guide of the behavior,so“freeing minds”is always the thinking weapon to propel the development of the socialism with Chinese characteristicsReform needs the new thinking,new theory,and the opinions from all kinds of think-tank organizationsSo what China needs to do is to build the thinking market quickly and develop the think-tank industryThe think-tank industry is the multi-dimensional thinking and comprehensive extension of the theory of scientific outlook of development,and is the research achievement made by the Chinese academiaUnder the guide of the scientific outlook of development,the Chinese academia do a lot of things for the think tank industry like the integration of theory and practice,the multi-disciplinary integration,and independent innovation,etcThis report builds the system of the think-tank industry research from four aspects as below: Firstly,this achievement is with a clear theory origination of the think-tank industryIt sorts out a series of important problems like the think-tank research,the research on the think–tank industry districts and construction of the think–tank industry districts,etcIt makes clear of the theory origination of the think-tank industry,and also makes some important explorations on a series of important contents of the research chain of the think-tank industry Secondly,this achievement constructs preliminarily the theory system of the research on the think-tank industryUnder the guide of the scientific outlook on development,it integrates multi-disciplinary research achievements,and constructs the research system of the think-tank industry from two aspects,the one is“what is the think-tank industry”and another is“how to develop the think-tank industry”Any research regarding the think-tank industry as its theme is the constantly deepening of the problems mentioned aboveSo,these two aspects are the foundations of the think-tank industry research system Thirdly,it defines the problems that the think-tank industry research should solve mainlyThe research of the think-tank industry focuses on the solution of the numerous issues,but the key of which is to promote the ability of regional scientific decision-makingDepending on this,and there are other problems like the problems of carrying out the country strategy,the regional decision-making ability,the shortage of the talents in regions,the upgrade and transition of the regional industry,the backward advantage of the technology and system,the competition among regions,the institutions reform,etc Fourthly,it mainly regulates the paradigm of the think-tank industryThe think-tank industry is an interdisciplinary field spanning economics,regional economics,public policy research,management,politics,and sociology,etcThe subjects mentioned above will input the knowledge into the think-tank industry from their perspectives in the course of its developmentAnd the think-tank industry will integrate and upgrade the knowledge in order to make the achievements finally which are adapt to the country strategy and regional actual development To be concrete,the layout of this report is divided into two large parts: the first part includes of the Chapter One which is the think tank research fronts and the Chapter Two,the trace of the big events of the China think tank development in recent two years,and which is also the further research of the CHINA THINK TANK DEVELOPMENT REPORT(2011)Another part is the research projects of the think-tank industry which is the core content,and at the same time,it is also the latest big innovation in the field of the think-tank industry research The Chapter Three is the definition of the think-tank industryWithout the clear definition,the development of the think tank can’t go far,so we have a continual exploration on it through consulting with the scholars,officials and entrepreneurs,and finally make itThe think-tank industry also has the features like the industry chain and the value chain and so on,just as what the general industries haveIt has the laws of continual evolution which needs the support of the certain policy environmentThe definition is the starting point of the think-tank industry research and which is also the basis of it Chapter Four is the concept of the think-tank industry districts,which means the think-tank industry carrying out the landing on the ground in the spaceAnd it is also the first time to have a systematic discourse of the think-tank industry districts in ChinaDepending on this report,the think-tank industry districts is the major carrier of the think-tank industry and innovative knowledge economy,and which aims at putting forward and constructing of the think-tank,the think-tank clusters and the think-tank industry types with Chinese characteristicsAs the incubator of the think-tank industry and the test site of balancing the regional scientific development,the think-tank industry districts promote and develop the relative pillar industries through taking use of its regional advantagesSo,the think-tank industry district is the important strategic choice for the transformation of the economic development model,and which also has important meanings for the development of China regional economic development TheChapter Five focuses on the system supporting which is helpful to a think-tank industry district with the successful operationFirst of all,the needed resource includes of all kinds of natural resource,human resource,history resource and policy resource,etc,and whats more is that every main body in the think-tank industry districts must build good interaction mechanism in order to form the model of the integration of the politics,production,study and researchIt will bring the direct guidance to the actual operation of the think-tank industry districts The Chapter Six emphasizes on the evaluation systems and the operational mechanism evaluation methodology of the think tank industry districtsIt solves the problem of how to judge a think tank industry district that whether it has a healthy development in the future from the angle of the practice and operationOnly this,it is possible to keep the monitoring and management of the zones run smoothly The Chapter Seven,as the final conclusion,puts forward the ways of how to build the system of the think tank industry research from a higher angleAnd which has important and prospective meanings for attracting other scholars’ participating in the think tank subject research and the construction of the uniform discourse system This report is the achievement of early exploration in the field of the think tank researchSo compared with the whole think tank research,this report is just something like a foundationBut we hope that more and more scholars with innovative spirits,profound theoretical foundation and rich experience of gross-roots practice will participate in this field and build the mansion of the think tank subject research together!

现代智库研究前沿1 1 国内外智库发展的历程3 1.1智库的概念、起源及发展现状3 1.2中国智库的起源及发展特点17 1.3国外智库的起源及发展特点51 1.4经典案例85 2 2011—2012年中国智库发展追踪96 2.12011年以来中国智库研究大事记录96 2.22011年以来中国主要智库发展动态101 智库发展研究专题——智库产业的发展105 3 智库产业发展的机制特点107 3.1智库产业的定义107 3.2智库产业的产业链特点110 3.3智库产业的发展模式112 3.4智库产业的发展机制特点123 3.5智库产业发展面临的政策环境124 4 智库产业的发展探索——智库产业区128 4.1智库产业区的提出背景128 4.2智库产业区的概念及特征129 4.3智库产业区的发展定位和目标134 4.4智库产业区与文化创意产业区的联系与区别136 4.5智库产业区与传统工业区的联系与区别138 4.6智库产业区与高新技术区的联系与区别139 5 智库产业区的运作模式和系统支持142 5.1智库产业区在全国的战略布局142 5.2智库产业区的运作模式——政产学研一体化149 5.3智库产业区各主体的合作模式161 5.4智库产业区运营的保障机制162 6 智库产业区的评价体系和运作机制评估165 6.1智库产业区评价指标体系165 6.2智库产业区评价指标体系构建及说明171 6.3智库产业区评价方法182 6.4智库产业区综合评价系统简介188 6.5智库产业区的运作机制评估190 7 智库产业区建设探索:二连浩特(中蒙俄)国际智库产业示范区192 7.1二连浩特(中蒙俄)国际智库产业示范区发展设想192 7.2智库产业区是二连浩特发展的重要契机194 8 总结:智库产业与智库产业研究的前瞻思考202 附录主要智库发展大事记207 后记239

CONTENTSResearch Fronts of the Modern Think Tank1 1The Development History ofthe Think Tank in China and Abroad3 11The Concept,Origination andDevelopment Situation of theThink Tank3 12The Origination andDevelopment Characteristics of theChina Think Tank17 13The Origination and Development Characteristics of theForeign Think Tank51 14Classic Cases85 2The Trace of the Development ofthe China Think Tankfrom 2011 to 201296 21The Important Events Records of the China Think TankResearches since 201196 22TheDevelopments of the Main Think Tanks of China since 2011101 The Research Projects ofthe Think Tank Development——The Development of the Think Tank Industry105 3The Mechanism Characteristics of the Think Tank IndustryDevelopment107 31TheDefinition of the Think Tank Industry107 32The Characteristics of the Industry Chain of the Think Tank110 33The Development Model of the Think TankIndustry112 34TheDevelopment Mechanism Characteristics of the ThinkTank Industry123 35The Policy Environmentthat the Think Tank Facing124 4The Explorationof the Think Tank Industry Development——the Think Tank Industry Districts128 41TheBackground of the Think Tank Industry Districts128 42The Concept and Characteristics of the Think TankIndustry Districts129 43The Development Orientation and Target of the Think TankIndustry Districts134 44The Connections and Differences between the Think TankIndustry Districts and theCulture Creative Industry Areas136 45The Connections and Differences between theThink TankIndustry Districts and the Traditional Industrial Zones138 46The Connections and Differences between the Think TankIndustry Districts and the High-tech Parks139 5The Operational Modes and System Supports of the ThinkTank Industry Districts142 51The Strategic Layout of the Think Tank Industry Districtsaround the Country142 52The Operational Modes of the Think Tank Industry Districts——theIntegration of the Politics,Production,Study and Research149 53TheCooperation Model of Every Main Body in the Think TankIndustry Districts161 54The Safeguard Mechanism of theOperation of the Think TankIndustry Districts162 6The Evaluation Systemsand the Operational MechanismEvaluation of the Think Tank Industry Districts165 61TheEvaluation Index Systems of the Think TankIndustry Districts165 62The Construction and Instruction ofThe Evaluation IndexSystems of the Think Tank Industry Districts171 63The EvaluationMethodology of the Think Tank Industry Districts182 64TheBrief Introduction of the Comprehensive EvaluationSystem of the Think Tank Industry Districts188 65The Evaluation ofOperational Mechanism of the Think TankIndustry Districts190 7The Explorationof the Construction of the Think Tank IndustryDistricts:the Erlianhot(China,Mongolia and Russia)International Think Tank Industry Demonstration Zone192 71The Development Envisagement of the Erlianhot(China,Mongolia and Russia) International Think Tank IndustryDemonstration Zone192 72The Think Tank Industry District Is the Important Opportunityto the Development of Erlianhot194 8Conclusion: the Forward Thinking of the Think TankIndustry and Its Researches202 AppendixMain Important Events of the Think Tank Development207 Postscript239



思想是行动的先导。无论哪一方面的改革,解放思想始终是推动中国特色社会主义事业发展的思想武器。改革需要新思维、新理论,需要各方人士、各类智库机构献计献策,科学决策已经成为人们的共识。为此,我国应该加快建立思想市场,发展智库产业。智库产业是对科学发展观理论的多维思考与综合延伸,是中国学术界在科学发展观指导下,理论与实践相结合,进行多学科融合、自主创新的科研成果。它通过聚合高端人才、聚集高端要素、聚焦高端产业而助推百家争鸣局面的形成。大变革的时代,需要百花齐放、思想争锋,从而以分辨是非,探索前进的方向。 由此可见,此时提出对于智库发展的探索及对于智库产业发展的研究,对于国家和社会的意义重大。但这一研究领域并不简单,由于课题的崭新性,涉及学科的多样性及内容的复杂性,仍有众多的疑团需要一一揭开,这在本报告中都已有所说明。但有探索精神的研究者应该欣喜这种研究领域的空白,而非畏惧这种毫无基础的“一穷二白”。本报告很荣幸能够成为较早的探索者,笔者希望在未来的智库研究之路上有更多的同行者,彼此交流,共同提高! 本报告是笔者主持的国家重点研究著作项目《科学发展观丛书》的专项研究成果。智库产业是既古老又崭新的研究领域,说它古老,是因为智库的萌芽智囊是随着中华文明的出现而产生的,其研究与人类文明同源同步同样悠久;说它崭新,是因为智库产业是新理论,是在经济全球化背景下产生的,以高度智力化劳动和创造力为核心的新兴产业。笔者从事区域以及科学发展观系统研究工作近10年,每年奔波二十几个省市,深入调查研究,发现虽然中央政府提高了对区域协调发展问题的重视程度,但是还是存在着国家战略的落实问题、区域决策能力问题、区域人才短缺问题、区域产业升级转型、技术和制度后发优势、区域间竞争问题、事业单位改制等诸多严重影响区域发展的问题。所以,如何将中央的各项政策与各地的独特优势资源充分结合,充分体现知识经济对区域社会经济的带动作用,形成区域的人才高地,促进地区经济的科学发展和地方政府决策的科学化与民主化,推动新经济下传统产业转型升级与结构优化,为国家顶层设计乃至地方科学发展做点事情是我研究智库产业的初衷。研究并在北京市、上海市、天津市滨海新区、深圳市前海特区、成都市、沈阳市、郑州市、兰州市实践智库产业示范区是个切入点,试图通过理论与实践相结合,以智库前瞻性政策储备为核心,以知识创新为源动力的智库产业来代替传统工业成为未来区域软实力的重要载体与战略抓手。这些研究建议,后来得到了内蒙古自治区党委书记胡春华同志的充分肯定,并在二连浩特市领导的积极支持下,先行先试,建立二连浩特(中蒙俄)国际智库产业示范区,希望通过这个智库产业示范区的建设,积累经验,找出问题,上升到理论政策层面,真正起到对全国其他城市的示范和带动作用,真正在某些体制机制方面实现创新,走出适合自主创新的一条新路。所以,本报告的研究与智库产业示范区的实践只是破题和驶向理想彼岸的起航。 本报告在研究、调研、撰写和出版过程中,任玉岭、徐光裕、纪明葵、陈少云、聂永有、胡傲、李仲华、朱旭峰、赵磊、秦新艳、张文祥、熊远明、王嵘山、同利军、黄晓炎、于景森、朱少平、孙飞、饶及人、习明龙、李正强、李永刚、李彦平提出了许多好的建议,肖劲松、李玉平、王大伟、夏超然、罗彦、闫海潮参加智库产业课题研究以及报告撰写,何秀珍(中国台湾)、曾芝儀(中国台湾)、朱砂(美国)分别参与了报告台湾智库、美国智库的部分撰写,于秀辉、王静静、张明为报告后期图表资料的整理做了大量工作,感谢这些研究团队的同事们所付出的辛勤劳动;特别感谢红旗出版社徐永新社长和赵智熙编辑为本书的出版所做出的努力。

在此,向他们致以诚挚的谢意。 本报告参考了国内外一些新的研究成果,不能一一列出。在此,仅向他们一并表示诚挚的谢意。我也希望国内外智库机构提供一些有分量、有深度的决策咨询报告,以及每年大事记,并把你们的意见反馈给我们:kxfzg@vip.163.com 作者 2010年6月,北京市西城区西绒线胡同 又于2012年11月于北京

做好弼马温    学会七十二变














于今 怀揣“中国智库”的抱负在路上




实干 谏言 不辱使命

东中西部区域发展和改革研究院(China Region Development & Reform Institute简称发改院,英文缩写CRDRI),创办于2002年9月11日;是在中国国务院提出区域经济发展大思路的背景下成立的综合性国际智库。集研究、咨询、会议和培训于一体。其决策咨询性、公益性研究特征突出,研究领域广泛。总部位于北京。设城市与区域、智库产业、全球健康、一带一路、(华沙)中东欧等研究中心。CRDRI成立至今,承担并主持了中国多个“国民经济和社会发展五年规划”的重点研究项目,特别是在探索性研究课题方面,提出、发表了上百份专题报告,获得中国从高层到基层各级政府的重视与肯定。CRDRI在2002年创办公学网(全国干部教育培训网) ;2004年创办百仁基金,主持评审“中国发展百人奖”、“中国发展百人奖学金”;2009年首创中国智库研究系列读物《国家智库》《中国智库》《中国智库发展报告》,创新性提出智库产业新体系。CRDRI是中共中央对外联络部“一带一路”智库联盟理事单位,联合国开发计划署战略合作伙伴,中央外事指定对外合作对话的参与机构,与欧美国家智库建立了交流关系,进行了富有成效的合作。CRDRI始终坚持“小机构、大网络”的运作机制以及“科智并举、政府背景、社会智库”的体制特性。有近百位来自政治、经济、社会、文化以及政党领域的杰出专家学者担任学术委员、研究员。


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